Patriots, muskets, flags and even a ceremonial saber were all part of the festivities within The Gold Room of the Utah StateCapitol on April 9, 2024. The occasion was the reading and signing of Utah’s Patriots’ Day Declaration.
Lieutenant Governor Deidre M. Henderson, graciously presided over the event. She welcomed the representatives of the Sons of the American Revolution, Daughters of the American Revolution as well as the government personnel and members of the Utah America 250 Committee. She then read the declaration. All attending celebrated the declaration. Jeffery McKenna addressed the group, and all expressed appreciation that April 19th 2024 would now be remembered as Patriots’ Day throughout the state of Utah. Six other states recognize the first day of the American Revolution and the “Shot Heard Around the World” as a special day of remembrance.
Utah is proud to join Massachusetts, Maine, Wisconsin, Florida, Connecticut and North Dakota in honoring and remembering the courage, faith and sacrifice of those that bravely stood up on April 19, 1775, to confront the greatest military power on earth at that time, to defend their freedom of speech and property. Utahans can honor the memory of those fathers and farmers that left wife and family throughout the night and into the morning of April 19, 1775. These men risked their lives, and many gave their lives, on that day, for our liberty and independence. It is our privilege to remember them.
April 19, 2025, will mark the 250th Anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, as well as the Shot Heard Around the World. We in Utah are proud to remember this day and those patriots that helped commence our “American Journey.” Let us all contemplate how we can teach our young citizens the importance of these events and prepare for the 250th anniversary in 2025.
